
management of the household (community, society, humanity & biosphere) so as to increase its value to all members over the long run
oikos: household; and nomos: rules

Economics, social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption
of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises,
and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. Other fields of study
also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed;
history records changes in human objectives; sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts.

Eeyore ponders a new career.
"Actually," Eeyore continued, "I'm thinking about a new career myself - personal growth and whatnot, and et ceteras, you know. I'm considering becoming an economist. Actually I didn't think of that myself. Owl suggested that I might be suited for it. He said someone called Thomas Carlyle said economics was the Dismal Science. That sounds most interesting."
-Winnie-the-Pooh On Success by Roger E. Allen & Stephen D. Allen

Wednesday, January 18


I feel that the South Koreans are neither right nor wrong.

They have their own reasons to oppose against the WTO's aims. This is because the aims do not give them any advantage. But instead, the aim which is to lower trade barriers for agricultural imports will cause the South Korean farmers to suffer a loss if they were to sell the rice at a cheaper rate. They opposed because they wanted to protect their own needs and for their survival.

On the other hand, those South Koreans who opposed against the WTO might be going a little too far. The WTO is a world organisation and trying to suit the needs for a small group of people might not be taken into consideration.

I feel that this issue has brought the world's attention. It shows that there are always certain groups of people who will disagree with international plans.

Shu Hui-Group 1

(shucks. i feel like im crapping. it doesnt make sense)


Blogger kimberly said...

i agree

6:35 pm  
Blogger shu hui said...

LOL. u agree. OOH

8:42 pm  

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